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A&C Tissue Boxes - Printable Version

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A&C Tissue Boxes - Cian - 07-26-2015

Ode to Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Style in Spalted Cherry and Tiger Maple.

Finish is two coats of shellac plus paste wax.

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - highpi - 07-26-2015

Those are too nice for Kleenex. Well done!

Now get to work on a Falling Waters toilet paper holder!

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - jteneyck - 07-26-2015

Those will fit right in in an A&C home, Cian. Very nice. The cherry looks more like pitchy cherry than spalted to me, but it works well in either case.


Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - Belle City Woodworking - 07-26-2015

Nice Job Cian!

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - Steve N - 07-26-2015

My only suggestion is next time use some wood with character, that plain Jane stuff is pretty boring

I absolutely love Cherry with gum streaks.

PS I would call that Cherry curly, with gum streaks.

Curly cherry usually is just a blotchy darker patch

Gummy Cherry

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - DFJarvie - 07-26-2015

How did you make the angled tops?

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - Big Dave - 07-26-2015

Cherry and maple always seem to make a nice couple...

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - Cian - 07-26-2015

The Woodnet braintrust comes through again. Thanks for the clarification on the wood gents. I was struggling with this one a bit. That cherry board has been in my stash for a while and has darkened enough to have me question whether it was a lighter walnut. Pitchy/gummy cherry never crossed my mind - good to know.

DFJarvie said:

How did you make the angled tops?

I use a tennoning jig. I didnt grab a pic from this time around, but here's one from my past burial urn project:

Re: A&C Tissue Boxes - Martin S. - 07-26-2015

Nice boxes, Cian.

When I am shopping for cherry, I always keep my eye out for gummy cherry, as my wife prefers it. It does add character.