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Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - Printable Version

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Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - Paul K. Murphy - 01-26-2016

Here is a link to some of the work from the firm Craman Lagarde.
Skilled cabinetmakers. Ébéniste is what they call it (cabinetmaker) in French. I'm very impressed with their products!

Re: Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - AHill - 01-26-2016

Not my style of furniture, but very, very nice! I wonder, being a commercial furniture company, if they now use lasers to cut the marquetry? (I'm assuming it's marquetry, given it's French.) Either way, there's a lot of handwork there.

Re: Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - jteneyck - 01-26-2016



Re: Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - Paul K. Murphy - 01-26-2016

I was prepared to respond that, No, they don't use lasers, but I really don't know. I'm busy, and it really wouldn't do me any good to research it, but I think they probably do not.
I looked into laser cut marquetry in Las Vegas last year, but it isn't without challenges of its own. The notion that a laser will just do the whole thing for you is a dream. At any rate, their work is truly first class.

Re: Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - AHill - 01-26-2016

Paul K. Murphy said:

I was prepared to respond that, No, they don't use lasers, but I really don't know. I'm busy, and it really wouldn't do me any good to research it, but I think they probably do not.
I looked into laser cut marquetry in Las Vegas last year, but it isn't without challenges of its own. The notion that a laser will just do the whole thing for you is a dream. At any rate, their work is truly first class.

Just for clarification, I wasn't implying they used lasers. I was just wondering. Those pieces are amazingly high quality. Given they come from a catalog, I just wonder if they have some kind of master pattern for each piece. Or, maybe the catalog just exists to market each individual piece they build. Not sure, and I don't know enough French to translate to find out.

Edit: At the top right of the website is a selection to display text in English or French. They make each selection in their own workshops with traditional marquetry. Some use architectural patterns and others are custom made. So, phenomenal work!

Re: Craman Lagarde Catalog Classical (Excellent reproduction cabinetwork) - Paul K. Murphy - 01-26-2016

Oh, I know you weren't.
Lasers are a method of producing marquetry, I know marqueteurs who work in that method. I looked into it myself, but it isn't for me right now.
Do a google image search for, "Vincent Doan marquetry" to see some good, laser cut marquetry. Vincent has an interesting software program to assist him selecting his veneers. And, like I said, I haven't even really looked at these guys close enough to know how they do it.
I'm working evenings and weekends right now to set up my own marquetry workshop. I just painted a wall. :-)