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glue question, not for wood - Printable Version

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glue question, not for wood - opticsguy - 06-11-2016

I have a plastic xmas ornament ball, 2" in diameter and need to glue a threaded rod inside the ball. I would simply like to fill the ball with some kind of glue or adhesive and insert the rod and let it harden up, simple project. However there is NO air exchange inside the ball, so what glue/adhesive could I use? The opening for the threaded rod is 1/8" so the adhesive needs to be liquid form. Simple project if I can find the right glue.

Re: glue question, not for wood - Gary G™ - 06-11-2016

Can you glue a small curved washer to the rod and glue it to the surface of the ornament at the opening?
Easy and done.

Re: glue question, not for wood - joespehar - 06-11-2016

Epoxy should do the trick.

Re: glue question, not for wood - jteneyck - 06-11-2016

Polyester boat resin. Bondo would work, too, if you can force it through the hole - quickly because it hardens fast.


Re: glue question, not for wood - Willyou - 06-11-2016

If the finished ball only needs to hold it's own weight, how about using some of the aerosol foam insulation. There is a kind that doesn't expand very much. You might put some kinks or bends in the threaded rod to help it stay put. I'm guessing that you don't want the finished ball to have a lot of weight.

Re: glue question, not for wood - tomsteve - 06-12-2016

keep it simple. scuff up the rod, get some epoxy and put it in a bowl of warm water to heat it up and make it pour easier, mix it up, pour in hole, insert rod, let cure.