Once upon a time ... no wait ... well, few years ago I saw a long thread on this forum full of beautiful tool cabinet pictures and decided I wanted one myself.
After so many years here we are, not nice as yours but works for me 



Many, many thanks to all woodnetters who inspired my work!
Ciao e grazie, Leo.

Nice cabinet. The tools look happy.
Please visit my website
It's almost full. Better start making another.

That's nicely done.....

Andy-- mos maiorum

-- mos maiorum
Very nice.  I like the embedded magnets.  Wish I would have thought of that when making mine last year.

Still on my long "to do" list. Got put off for a much later date after
I built a "Dutch" tool chest, ala the Schwarz. The vast majority of
my treasured hand tools reside in the large version of said chest
which I cobbled together out of mostly leftover wood and hardware.

As for the wall cabinets
I once opined that embedded magnets seemed to be the way to go
and some here did not like the idea at all. For me, it seems to be
a no brainer, particularly for the planes. I love the idea of vertical
storage for the handplanes, but have never cared for the "angled
tilt" shelves as I think you end up with too much wasted space
in the "triangular void" underneath it.

I know which thread you speak of. I snagged pics for a file here on
my computer LONG before I ever joined up and became a contributor
to these threads.

Your cabinet looks very good. Hope I do as well. Some day.
Mark Singleton

Bene vivendo est optimum vindictae

The Laws of Physics do not care about your Politics   -  Me
my tool cabinet is a victim of "better is the enemy of good enough" because I'm nowhere near starting to build it.  Limping along with a batch of improvised storage that isn't doing a good job of organizing anything.
good job.....Nicely done
Thank you all for comments, this forum inspired me a lot for this work.

If someone are thinking is a long job, I can tell them the hardest thing is... start 
Ciao e grazie, Leo.
Tool Cabinet... my 2¢

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