ok..there is a plant stand in the front window...that the fur-balls keep knocking over...while on "Kitty-Hour"   Not much of a stand, just a collection of sticks....decided to build a nicer, HEAVIER "Plant Stand"  

Have 4 planks of Ash left....7/8" x 5-1/2" x 6'5"....thought maybe build a "Shaker" style table?   Out of just those planks...should a decent enough project to do..depending on how much "detail" I use...first off..I need to get the planks TO the shop...not about to do it in one trip...too big, too heavy..going down the stairs to the shop...There is a spot, about 4 steps from the basement floor, where my shoulder will hit a floor joist "Header"  and I am 5' 10-1/2"?   Made two trips, laid them out on the tablesaw..barely...
( I did have about 18 photos, until a computer glitch wiped them out, completely)
2 planks looked pretty good..these other 2...not so great..so, these long 2 will be for leg and apron stock...the first 2, needed cut down a bit..to make a top for the table..unable to use the tablesaw...had to use something a bit older..
Like a Disston D-100 ( the 100 is inside the "D") 26" long, 7ppi, filed cross cut...so, that is what I did,   trying to get 4 blanks cut to 33" long..boards were too long to sit with the length of the bench...but I can clamp them down across the end of the bench, right at the bench vise..
Clamped together, to get them used to each other....noticed they had a couple tapers going on....like from 5-1/2" at one end to 6" wide at the other end...all the edges are wavy, too...
Need my tablesaw back, soon...need to cut the other to planks down..mainly for 20" leg blanks at 1-3/4" square...and the rest can be for aprons....again...will need that handsaw...

Still bummed about all those photos being deleted...they are not even on the Camera's card..grrr

Resting up the leg for a while, before I try again...2 Cardio Workouts in one day?

Yes, I will try to get more pictures, next time...stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

Went to process last night's photos, of the second shoptime...figured I could just start a new file....opened up the "Photos" and there was the missing file, with all the missing photos, even a couple I was still working on when the Glitch hit....

Planks..there are 4 of these...and at 6'5" tall, I could only carry 2 at a time down the steps to the shop..
And lay them out on the top of the tablesaw...
Tape measure is reading just under 77"...handsome group, ain't they...there was a problem or two....can't use either the tablesaw, nor the Mitre Box to cut these down to lengths needed...Tablesaw was "full"  and these are a bit too big for the mitre box...be all day sawing with that fine tooth count...which left the bench..
I tried to crosscut the scrap end off...couple of clamps to hold it still..
But when I tried to cut the first 33" long blank for the table top....the far end hit that dryer....Rotate the plank 90 degrees, shift the clamps..
Not too bad, for a 100yr old saw...just mark out a cut line with a square and a pencil..
Saw can indeed "split" the line...depending on the saw's operator....
Well, what do you know..I can cut a square line with a hand saw..amazing...7ppi does cut a bit fast..
Then lay out 4 blanks on the tablesaw, and try to match up the grain..
Still a work-in-progress..
Stay tuned....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Ripping day...set the rip fence to 5-1/2" width...run the top's blanks through, with the better edge against the fence...reset to 5", set the just ripped edge against the fence, and run through...(the 4 blanks for the legs get the 1st 2 settings, then stop)  then reset to 4-1/2" wide, the edge that was just sawn goes against the fence..and finish the rips..for the table top's blanks..
And sort for best grain matches...one end will be a bit "busy".....
Edges do look a bit better, than when I started...
All of this is to make it easier on the Stanley No. 8c....less work.

Then reset the fence again...to 1-3/4" width.   The 4 blanks for the legs, with one good edge...are run through with the good edges against the fence....makes 3 pieces, the 3rd will be a tad too narrow, save it for later...the first 2 pieces get folded over...
Now have 4 leg blanks to glue up..
And...I even used a roller to spread the glue!  

Laundry Detail last night...got all the legs glued up.   Got the No.8c out of the Plane Til....it needed a tune up...chipbreaker issues,,,

Today is a Monday, shop is normally closed..

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Other 3 leg blanks..
All will get trimmed down to the same length.

Got a start on jointing edges, to glue up the top..
Made some progress..
Top board has a bow in it...will pull that out during glue up...once the rest of the 4 have been jointed..
Might take a while....these 4 are just sitting there..no glue, no clamps, nothing to brace them up....just don't sneeze...

Making a mess on the floor..
Have to keep dumping the shavings...
Stanley No. 8c, Type 19.....it will give you a good Cardio Workout

Stay tuned
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
IDK Bandit, only 25 days left in the month. Maybe I should send some laundry over to make sure this project stays on track. ;>)
Oh yeah, I'm following (stalking) you on a couple of sites.
If you continue to cut corners, you'll end up going in circles!

It's my thumb so I'll hit it if I want to!
Got the rest of the edges jointed...so...glue bottle, glue roller, cauls, and clamps....done with planes for a day..
That leg vise makes a very good 3rd hand during large glue-ups....
Just means I can't USE the bench for a day, or two...

Will see about cleaning up the leg blanks, and a start on doing tapers...

New 4' shop light, dual bulb 5500 lum, LED....plus replaced to old T-8s with LEDs in the other shop light...almost need sunglasses
Change out a belt on the 36" beltsander...to an 80 grit....to remove the dried glue on the leg blanks..AFTER a nap...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
4 leg blanks have been cleaned up, squared up, all cut to the same length..
2nd pair...the 1st pair?
Already have their 2 tapers....will hand plane smooth, once the bench is cleared off...

Mark a cut line..
5" down from the "top"...wanting a 1" square "foot"

bandsaw to remove most of the waste...
Beltsander to remove the saw marks....repeat until all legs have 2 tapers...
On the inside faces.   At the top of each leg...there are "T"s to show which face is tapered...as that will be where the mortises for the aprons will also go...

According to what is left of the wood supply...aprons will be 2-3/4" wide....and will get a bead along the bottom edges...

waiting on that table top.....stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Aprons have been ripped for width..~ 2-5/8"
Leg tapers have been  planed smooth..
And the "flats" also have been planed smooth

Most of the clamps have been removed, except for the cauls on the ends..
And..since I am done with the tablesaw for now,,,and need my bench ..
Table top can just sit here, for now

Set up the Stanley 45 with a #23 beading cutter..
had to remember HOW to set the fence...so only the inside quirk will cut..
Otherwise..there is one too many quirks....

Resting the right leg,, even worked up a sweat in the shop....

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Plane set up the correct way...made doing these sort of beads a lot better..
Leg #1 will be at a back corner, out of site...the rest of the legs?
That "T" stands for taper....shows which face has been tapered..because that is also the face that gets a mortise to house a tenon....
use a bit of sand paper to clean things up

Then reset the plane back for "normal" bead work..
And run a bead along the "bottom" edge of the 2 short aprons.   Not too worried about any "blowout" on the end of a bead...when I cut the ends for the tenons, that should go with the waste.   Long aprons?
They be chilling out for a day...trying to pull a bow in both of them...they will get a bead..
I didn't care for that little step up before the bead..
So I clamped the aprons up...in pairs..
And got rid of the step...

And that was about it for beading aprons

There was an issue...with the end of the short aprons....NOT square..in ANY direction...only choice was..
To square the ends up...and make sure they are still the same length...a little Cardio never hurt, right.

Next episode....need to adjust a mortise clamping jig...and mill a few (8) tenons...and then chop the mortises to match..

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Tenons next...2 ways of doing these...
Mitre Box saw to make the shoulder cuts, then a chisel to split off the waste, then a saw to remove the ends a bit...
Works best on straight grained wood...and this wasn't...shavings wanted to go the wrong way too much...so..Plan B
Involved a tablesaw, and a rip fence...more consistent cuts...about the same speed, but I'm not dealing with grain issues causing lop-sided tenons.

Reset a jig, to hold the legs still, while I do the mortise chopping...remove 2 screws that are holding one of the jaws, clamp the leg and both jaws up in the vise, and re-istall the 2 screws..
Jig is ready, and got out the tools..
Jig is secured down over a bench leg.    it can hold the part during most layout work..
Just slide the part out, do the layouts, slide the part back in, and clamp the jig..
Ready to chop.    Do a few dry fits along the way...goal is to make the mortise fit the tenon..takes a couple tries, but..
I was looking for a snug fit...where I needed a mallet to assemble.    Each leg has a "T" to show where the tapers are...and also where the Tenons go....thus where to chop a mortise at....even if there is a chip out, before one was even started...
Good thing that is the INSIDE corner..
Got 2 legs mortised yesterday...
And dry fitted together....need to repeat for the other 2 legs...maybe today....the stick will get cut down to size...a dovetail "tail" cut on each end.   Top edge of the long aprons will get a socket chopped.    Socket will be a 1/2 blind one...on the inside face of the aprons...serves to keep the aprons straight, and a center point when the top is secured to the base.   1 screw in it's  center.  have other plans for at the corners....

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Project for the month of April..

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