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A little package sent off to my sister - Printable Version

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A little package sent off to my sister - bobs64ford352 - 09-08-2015

I figured I'd get a few things out of the way at once: her house warming gift, Christmas and her Birthday, next January I made everything out of birds eye maple. The pizza cutter and ice cream scoop are finished with CA glue and the cutting board was saturated in a couple doses of mineral oil and beeswax.

[img]/ssl_proxy.php?url=https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11011095_10206223558282897_145235013765008788_n.jpg?oh=57557d2ede4fdb32ae310c6f510f8faa&oe=567239D9" />

<img src="/ssl_proxy.php?url=https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11885227_10206223558482902_4213091717259825843_n.jpg?oh=9a4cdf6290b87ddc335808c9108d36fe&amp;oe=565E4B0D[/img]

Thanks for looking

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - Big Dave - 09-09-2015

How'd you turn that cutting board flat on the lathe?

Nice work!

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - Arlin Eastman - 09-09-2015


Another great project. Did you get the hardware from PSI?


Re: A little package sent off to my sister - dartman - 09-09-2015

Nice job.I love the birds eye,it is one of my favorite woods
and it looks great.

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - Arlin Eastman - 09-09-2015


I had to laugh to myself when I read your post. The very first pen I made was for my father who loved Birdseye maple and when I finished it had only 1 eye.

Sometime I will find a piece with a lot of them and make him another.

Thanks for posting I needed to laugh tonight.


Re: A little package sent off to my sister - dartman - 09-09-2015

Always glad help out......lol

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - Steve K - 09-09-2015

Very nice gifts! If your sister is anything like mine, she will cherish those for sure.

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - Woodshop - 09-09-2015

nice work Bob

Re: A little package sent off to my sister - bobs64ford352 - 09-09-2015

Thanks for the comments everyone. My sister and I never really got along that well, but I figured what the hey. My dad told me recently she always talks about all the work I post on FB and make for others. Since she just bought her first house and my dad is always on my case about her I figured I'd do something nice for her.

The hardware was psi for the ice cream scoops and out of the 3 styles of scoops, I've made, these are the best to me. The have a solid feel, they look good and the best part is they are turned like a pen, with a bushing set. Once turned I just epoxied in the parts. The pizza cutter is from rockler.

As far as the cutting board...well, if you don't know how to turn thin rectangles on a lathe by now, then you never will...


Re: A little package sent off to my sister - chips ahoy - 09-09-2015

You should be proud of yourself to do this for your sister. I am sure she will cherish those forever. Beautiful work, she won't be able to help but love them. And who knows, may bring you both closer together.
