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Best Way to Remove Minwax Water-Based Polycrylic - Printable Version

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Best Way to Remove Minwax Water-Based Polycrylic - chaplaindoug - 11-23-2015

I have a customer who left a leaky bucket filled with water and OxyClean on the table top. It ate through and softened the Minwax water-based polycrylic to the point the he want me to refinish the top. What would be the best approach to stripping the old finish off? If using a stripper, which would you recommend? Thanks for the help.

Re: Best Way to Remove Minwax Water-Based Polycrylic - JR1 - 11-23-2015

Methylene chloride strippers will work best. Klean-Strip premium is pricy but the best that I have tried. It's quite toxic so work outside and wear good protection. link to msds here. It's a gel so it needs to be scraped of when spent. A plastic scraper or putty knife works well. Scrape it off as soon as it stops bubbling. I think that HD still carries it.

Re: Best Way to Remove Minwax Water-Based Polycrylic - jteneyck - 11-23-2015

I agree, KleanStrip Premium will take that off lickety split. I don't find it offensive to work with, even indoors, but maybe that's just me. I can tell you it's a lot faster working when it and the wood are at normal room temperature. It'll take a lot longer the lower the temp.

I can't say how well the GF products I normally use would have done exposed to OxyClean, but I can tell you MinWax Polycrylic is not very hard and not very durable. After you get it stripped and prepped, you might (strongly) consider using a better product. GF's EnduroVar or Enduro Clear Poly would be better choices in my opinion. Or Arm-R-Seal or other oil based varnish of your choice.
