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Working with Ash - Printable Version

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Working with Ash - frigator - 07-23-2016

Never built anything with Ash. But it seems cheap now and was think of using it to trim out my shop cabinets, drawer fronts etc. I got couple boards and it handplanes like oak. Anybody like this wood?

RE: Working with Ash - jteneyck - 07-23-2016

I like it rift sawn best.  Nice linear grain.  Works about the same as oak, but quite a bit heavier than red oak.  I've never tried to stain on it.  When I tried dying it the results were poor.  I ended up spraying shellac dye toner on it for my bath vanity project, followed by the topcoats. 

[Image: IMG_3637.JPG]

On a separate note:  I think your private message feature is not turned on.  I tried sending you a PM but couldn't.  If you haven't specifically turned it on, you need to if you want to receive PM's.  Go to the "User CP" (User Control Panel) to turn it on. 


RE: Working with Ash - fredhargis - 07-23-2016

I like it, resembles oak a lot in appearance and is usually a bit cheaper. Haven't price any since the bugs destroyed all of it around here so it may have went up. I bought some after someone here once described it as "oak having a good day".

RE: Working with Ash - EdL - 07-23-2016

Use it all the time, works just like oak to me.

Staining it can be a pita, it's yellowish color throws the stain shades out of whack.

Made or kitchen table from Ash, loml wanted the legs as dark as possible, used transtint dye, took 4 applications, turned out excellent.


RE: Working with Ash - mike4244 - 07-23-2016

Nice wood to work with and resembles red oak. I installed hundreds of feet of ash crown,the finish was excellent.The finish was done by professional wood finishers and resembled red oak.I have also used ash where long bent pieces for canoe gunnels were needed.1" x 1-1/2" x 17'-0" + pieces of ash bent without steaming.

RE: Working with Ash - goaliedad - 07-23-2016

I like working with ash- it is similar to oak. Here is a cradle I built many years ago, from ash


RE: Working with Ash - jteneyck - 07-23-2016

Frigator, I got your PM but can't send you one because you need to put a check mark in the "Receive Private Messages" (or something like that) box in the User CP - Edit Options - Messaging and Notification section. 


RE: Working with Ash - frigator - 07-23-2016

Ok, think I finally got it with the PM. It must have changed with the new software as I have received PM before.

RE: Working with Ash - Steve N - 07-23-2016

Yeah some of the features didn't automatically populate. 

As others have said it works and behaves a lot like WO, lighter than WO usually, but heavier than red. Finishes much like WO with it's open grain, soaks up stain and dye, but sux as a painted finish unless you use a grain filler. Easy on tools. Dry,  it is fairly stable too. I bought a bunch of thick Ash right when the bugs started, still seeing good prices, though I often see guys trying for big bux, acting like it is Chestnut or something. South there are still areas with no indications of bugs, may end up being climate limited.

Wood Database info

Fraxinus is saying a mouthful

Around me most of it is Black Ash

RE: Working with Ash - joespehar - 07-24-2016

I like it and have3 no trouble dying it.