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Footprint Chisels - Printable Version

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Footprint Chisels - museumguy - 03-19-2017

I started my professional career in cabinetmaking in March of 1985. I had very few tools and wanted to buy the best that I could afford. At the time, Fine Woodworking did an article testing chisels and Footprint brand came highly recommended. I bought a set of the red handled ones and they served me well. About 2 years later, there was a set of Footprints offered with Padauk handles. I figured why not so I bought those as well. I still have the Padauk handled set and was trying to find some info on them but have come up short using the internet. Anyone here have any info to add ? They seem to be of the same quality steel as the red handled set. I've often thought of selling them but haven't got a clue as to value.

Thanks in advance for any help,

RE: Footprint Chisels - Joe Bailey - 03-19-2017

Over the years, I've heard the blue-handled Marples chisels recommended hundreds of times.

I'm not sure, but I don't think you can get the desirable model any longer -- like so many things they've moved manufacturing to some location where the quality has taken a nosedive.

Among my dozens of chisels (new & old) I have a set of Footprint chisels. I bought these about 6 years ago -- a four pack (1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1") for about $20.00 at Sears.
Note that they are stamped on both handle and blade as made in Sheffield, England

I rate the steel and edge retention as second only to the absolute top-tier chisels.

[Image: JKNAALB.jpg]
[Image: UtJTpRc.jpg]
[Image: cqh8zvY.jpg]

RE: Footprint Chisels - blackhat - 03-20-2017

I would concur that the Sheffield made Footprint chisels are top shelf. Perhaps lacking a bit in the looks department compared to some but not in performance.

RE: Footprint Chisels - Downwindtracker2 - 03-20-2017

I've put together a 4 piece set of Footprint wood handled chisels. While the handle has a Footprint Sheffield printed on it, it's classic Swedish . They are bit softer than the William Marple & Sons I have. Still a fine chisel.