After this, do they have even a slight bit of credibility left?  I think not.

Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis

Wow. Just wow. Whoever wrote this article should be fired. Haven't they heard of Lie-Nielsen or Lee Valley (Veritas) - both of whom have better products than the ones they reviewed in the article. Makes me wonder if the article wasn't written by artificial intelligence and never reviewed by their staff. What an embarrassment to PWW.

This statement alone proves the authors have no clue: "AmazonBasics is famous for offering quality products at affordable prices." That plane Amazon Basics sells is the same bench plane (it's not even a jack plane!) they sell at Harbor Freight.

Then they cite several planes that aren't even jack planes! The most egregious is the Stanley block plane which they call a "Hand Planer". "It's a small jack plane." Geez.

The only real jack plane they cite is the Grizzly cheap one that is $28 direct from Grizz, but $99 if ordered via the Amazon link they provide. Grizz sells a "premium" jack plane that is $153.
Still Learning,

Allan Hill
That is worse than I imagined it could be. I was expecting some Ikea level plans for some useless doo-hickey project. This is just.... something else. I'd respect them if it was something like- here's how you can make an inexpensive modern plane work for you in your shop. This is just on another level bad.

WR Plane- cons: heavyweight (AYFKM?)
follow the link- it takes you to the #1 size plane on Amazon

This is sad.

(02-08-2024, 01:05 PM)ajkoontz Wrote: That is worse than I imagined it could be. I was expecting some Ikea level plans for some useless doo-hickey project. This is just.... something else. I'd respect them if it was something like- here's how you can make an inexpensive modern plane work for you in your shop. This is just on another level bad.

WR Plane- cons: heavyweight (AYFKM?)
follow the link- it takes you to the #1 size plane on Amazon

This is sad.

What I like the best is the following:

"Cast-iron bases may be heavy, but they are also the most stable options. They won’t move or shake, improving accuracy. Plus, these bases won’t corrode or rust."


"Bench planes refer to heavy-duty tools used for flattening and smoothing long wood panels. Comparatively, a jack plane is a type of bench plane that is smaller and lighter, and is best for high-precision, detailed work."
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis
The article says it was written by the Pop Wood Review Team.

With a little digging I found this statement:

The Pop Wood Review Team’s product reviews and comprehensive guides are here to help you select the best gear and tools to efficiently complete top-quality woodworking projects. The content is created by The Pop Wood Review Team. Popular Woodworking’s editorial staff is not involved. Popular Woodworking is reader-supported: When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The Popular Woodworking Review Team is composed of authors, editors, and handymen. Artificial Intelligence (large language models) may have been used in the research and creation of the content.

One would wonder if the editorial staff is aware of what is being posted under the magazines name.

‘The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence
Charles Bukowski
Chris is probably laughing his butt off


I miss the days of using my dinghy with a girlfriend too. Zack Butler-4/18/24

The Revos apparently are designed to clamp railroad ties and pull together horrifically prepared joints
WaterlooMark 02/9/2020

I was tempted on buying a number 5 bedrock Wood River jackplane before christmas. They were on sale for 169 bucks. Back up to
about 240 now.  The only brand new premium plane I've ever bought was a Lie Nielsen low-angle block plane about 23 years ago.
They are close to 200 bucks now.  I'm tempted to sell it, I've rarely use a block plane.   I don't make money wood working, brand new
premium planes just not worth the cost for  me.  Love my old flea market stanleys. Some of you have probably seen that video where that
English kid uses his million dollars worth of metal working equipment to try and fix an Amazon basics plane.  A fun watch.

(02-08-2024, 11:48 AM)Admiral Wrote: After this, do they have even a slight bit of credibility left?  I think not.


in the header they say and AI-driven recommendations   so Ai will like everything else in society is working to make us think like the Borg.  Skynet is alive and happy.
(02-08-2024, 11:48 AM)Admiral Wrote: After this, do they have even a slight bit of credibility left?  I think not.


Truly a sad and telling instance of how deep the artificial/propaganda is entrenched.  It is everywhere.


(02-10-2024, 07:36 PM)Mr Eddie Wrote: Truly a sad and telling instance of how deep the artificial/propaganda is entrenched.  It is everywhere.


True, but here, its a conscious choice by PW - putting out hogwash that is not only worthless, but incorrect, simply to get people to click on the Amazon links and buy with a slice of the price going to PW.  I mean, it took 5 minutes to produce that article, another minute to post it, so its no better than one of those Nigerian prince inheritance spams.  Shame on them.
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis
The Depths to which Pop Woodworking has Sunk

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