Not really a "workshop" forum here so I will start a thread in the woodworking forum.
I have been out of shop space for a long time. Ive added a CNC mill and metal lathes and a mill drill and it really pushed me to my limit.

I am building my own personal Tech Shop/Makerspace - I call it the Mikiespace.

Bloomington IL cant really sustain a membership based real tech shop and all the makerspaces we do have are all 3d printer and small electronic based offices. I want a Makerspace that has tools to do everything and room to teach and learn and room to change the focus of the events to the whims of the visitors. I hate panels and boards of people that only sit around and have meetings about this crap. I have been promoting DOERS here for awhile and have a group of guys I work with that also get things done - guitar build, motorcycle builds, cnc machines, etc. A couple months ago I had had enough talking about it and started researching. It was time to fix my space issues if I wanted to do more.

I changed all the power on my property to 400amp service/ installed a new meterbase and a couple 200 amp disconnects. Got a gas and line trenched and last Thursday I had an Indiana Amish crew come in and start my new pole barn. Here it is as of 5pm Friday 8/15. It will have a 5" thick concrete floor with radiant floor heat. There will be a 10X24 porch and two 14X14 overhead doors. Local crew will do the concrete. Eventually it will have a loft in part for a second story.

Anyway thought I would share the current adventure pic. Skidsteer in the back looks tiny LOL.[Image: endday2_zps8540a07d.jpg]

[Image: endday2_zps8540a07d.jpg]

Glad its my shop I am responsible for - I only have to make me happy.


OMG Mike I'm lost for words, That is an impressive building and an even more impressive project you are opening up.

Good luck!


We expect lots of pics...
"One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to an unnecessary tyrany, and is likely to interfere with happiness in all kinds of ways."
I'm jealous. Very jealous.
That's a terrific looking shop.
Hardly any overhead room there Mike, yer constantly gonna be thinking ya shoulda gone 20' tall

I say dripping with huge barn envy. My little 32 x 48 x 12' tall would get lost in that things shadow.
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

I love it when you talk SHOP to me.

If is in poor taste to covet thy neighbors barn?
Jim in Okie
You can tell a lot about the character of a man -
By the way he treats those who can do nothing for him.
WOW, envy the room you'll have.
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.
It looks great Mike. It is always nice to see when somebody stops 'thinking about it', and starts getting it done.

Best of luck!
See ya later,
Your other shop was impressive this one should be everyone's dream shop it sounds like it will be yours . I look forward to following the shop build . Are you planning a two story inside in any part of the shop ?
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. "HF"
The new Mikiespace - 40X64X16 Pole Barn

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