I had to relocate due to a loss of my job. As a result I had to pack up my shop and then move to another state. Unfortunately we were not able to find a new home that pleased the DW and had a shop space. The house we bought required me building a new shop. Unfortunately we didn't get all moved & settled so construction could start before winter set in. But finally, today the construction of the shop started! Crews are prepping to pour the slab. After nearly 2 years of not being able to work in the shop I will soon be back making sawdust. Plus I can do some things with a new building the way I want. Hopefully it will be done before the next winter arrives. No pics yet. I'll post some soon.

Stories like this always make me wonder. I am moving at the end of this month and had to take my shop apart in March to start moving stuff. I'm nearing 3 months without a shop and it is driving me nuts. I have no idea how I could go two years.

The worst part has been since our move. As we get settled I need a nail to hang a picture, or a couple of screws to repair something, or a tool, but they are all packed & stacked in the garage and to find or get to anything has been a big pain & extremely frustrating. Plus I miss my place where I go to be with my thoughts & reflect on my great deeds of the day. Or just drink beer.

AppleCreekWood said:

The worst part has been since our move. As we get settled I need a nail to hang a picture, or a couple of screws to repair something, or a tool, but they are all packed & stacked in the garage and to find or get to anything has been a big pain & extremely frustrating. Plus I miss my place where I go to be with my thoughts & reflect on my great deeds of the day. Or just drink beer.

AppleCreekWood said:

Plus I miss my place where I go to be with my thoughts & reflect on my great deeds of the day. Or just drink beer.

I'll drink to that!
I've only had one...in dog beers.

"You can see the stars and still not see the light"
The Eagles: Already Gone
AppleCreekWood said:

Crews are prepping to pour the slab.

When I poured my slab I was glad that I put floor outlets in certain spots I knew equipment was going to be,like the table saw, but one thing I regret is not running something under and up to the table saw for dust collection.
I always get a smile when I read of someone being able to build a new shop.
I'm thinkin we might like to see pictures of the progress of construction.
I'm going to be walking into the same scenario. We are going to be putting our house on the market and moving to northern California to be with family. I will be without my shop for awhile. I'm sweating bullets just thinking about it.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear brighter until you hear them speak.

Let me state it again,

There will be no
duplication of work! - By order of the Office of Redundancy Office

Having done this about 9 years ago, the only advice I can offer to those of you about to move is:

Box carefully and label clearly. "Drawer stuff" doesn't cut it. Write each item on the box. If it works you can write something like "all 10" saw blades" on the box. If you are packing good stones for honing - make sure the box shows each stone (and that they are well packed.)

Bubble wrap is your friend.

Coat each steel or cast iron piece with CorrosionX or something similar. You never know how long it will be until you get to them again. In my case, it was about 5 years.

Keep a working kit out so you can hang pictures and fix minor stuff without unpacking and moving stuff around. If you can't do it with the working kit then it's a good excuse to organize a shop first.

Thanks,  Curt
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
      -- Soren Kierkegaard
I feel your pain

It's like losing a friend.
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

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