Wondering if running the empty machine with Clorox once and a while will keep the tub clean and free of mold?

Best tip I have had was empty a package of Tang orange or a generic brand and run it through a cycle empty.

ABC(Anything But Crapsman)club member
The middle of an Al Bundy Tangwich?
I never would have thought.....

But I will look into it....
Thank you!
Put about 3 cups of white vinegar in and run a cycle.
Poppa's Woodworks
(07-19-2016, 04:37 PM)AgGEM Wrote: Wondering if running the empty machine with Clorox once and a while will keep the tub clean and free of mold?

Periodically, I add a 1/4cup of citric acid to the machine at the start of the wash cycle..It eliminates scale build-up. ..Also eliminates water spots on the dishes and make them shine!
Often Tested.    Always Faithful.      Brothers Forever

Jack Edgar, Sgt. U.S. Marines, Korea, America's Forgotten War
Get off my lawn !

See your dishwasher manual.  Mine calls for 2 cups of vinegar, says nothing about using bleach.

I've also used the powdered citric acid cleaner, does a better job than the vinegar.

I did not want to use anything stronger for fear of destroying any seals or sensors.
Never heard of using clorox, but I have used vinegar to clean the dishwasher.
Put about a half cup of vinegar in a heavy bowl.
Place that somewhere (turned up obviously) in the bottom rack area and run the dishwasher through a normal cycle with no other dishes.
Don't do this too often, maybe once a year, as the vinegar is acidic and can be corrosive if used too often.
Do they even make "Tang" any more????? Its been years since I have drank that...........LOL
Thanks folks for your replies.
Did you all see my "Al Bundy Tang" reply?
Most of it is vertical on the right side of the page......did the new software do this?....
Was wondering what that was. Weird

ABC(Anything But Crapsman)club member
Dishwasher Maintenance

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